Insulating floors

The flo­ors in a buil­ding are nor­mal­ly insu­la­ted for two reasons – heat reten­ti­on and soundproofing.

Noi­se in buil­dings can be divi­ded into impact sound and foot­fall sound. Foot­fall sound is sound that can be car­ri­ed by air cau­sed by step­ping onto and wal­king on the flo­or. Foot­fall sound is not usual­ly per­cep­ti­ble out­side the room whe­re the sound has originated.

Impact sound, on the other hand, is the trans­mis­si­on of the same sound into the struc­tu­ral com­pon­ents, so for exam­p­le wal­king on bond­ed par­quet is trans­mit­ted by the screed throug­hout the enti­re buil­ding unless the screed is not a sound bridge to the other rooms but pro­vi­des effec­ti­ve insu­la­ti­on against the trans­mis­si­on of impact sound.

Insu­la­ti­on using for exam­p­le STY­RO­POR® boards meets both requi­re­ments for heat and impact sound insu­la­ti­on, but on its own it is too soft and the­r­e­fo­re not able to absorb point loads from fur­ni­tu­re. Which is why a rigid lay­er that “shares the load” and also helps to absorb impact sound is laid on top of this insu­la­ti­on — screed.

Edge insulation strips

Even the smal­lest join bet­ween screed and solid buil­ding ele­ments such as walls and flo­ors is some­ti­mes enough to allow impact sound to be trans­mit­ted from the room its­elf throug­hout the enti­re buil­ding, so a screed must also be decou­pled from impact sound at the walls.

The GERA edge insu­la­ti­on strips that we manu­fac­tu­re in a varie­ty of designs have been deve­lo­ped to do just that. We have a stan­dard ran­ge but also pro­du­ce bespo­ke solu­ti­ons to meet the indi­vi­du­al spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons of our cus­to­mers or their cus­to­mers, archi­tects and builders:

Insulation sheeting

Do you want to incor­po­ra­te insu­la­ti­on in your flo­o­ring sys­tem but the available flo­or con­s­truc­tion height does not allow fit­ting STY­RO­POR® insu­la­ti­on boards? Then our GERA PE foam impact sound insu­la­ti­on she­eting is the one for you:

Expansion joints

Expan­si­on joints divi­de lar­ger are­as of screed into smal­ler sec­tions and form buf­fer zones bet­ween them so that any expan­si­on of the screed, par­ti­cu­lar­ly during the dry­ing pro­cess, can­not cau­se any damage.

Expan­si­on joints:
GERA EDS “Fle­xi­bel” Expan­si­on Joint Profile
pro­du­ced from PE foam, self-adhe­si­ve, blue
GERA EDS “Sta­bil” Expan­si­on Joint Profile
pro­du­ced from polycarbonate/PE foam, self-adhe­si­ve, black-red

Shuttering angles

The func­tion of GERA shut­te­ring angles is to sepa­ra­te sec­tions of screed at the end of the day or form room divi­ders. Made from sec­tions of drinks car­tons, they are envi­ron­men­tal­ly-fri­end­ly and are ide­al as pro­tec­ti­ve angles in the pack­a­ging industry.

Shut­te­ring angles:
GERA EDS Shut­te­ring angles