Best placed for punching and adhesive projects

A busi­ness­man and an engi­neer foun­ded a small pro­duc­tion ope­ra­ti­on for pun­ching and adhe­si­ve pro­jects in Ger­der­hahn near Erkel­enz in 1994 – the birth of KLEMAFOL GmbH.

KLEMAFOL very quick­ly spot­ted a niche with a spe­cial­ty ang­le – cost-effec­tively manu­fac­tu­ring cur­rent-con­duc­ti­ve plate­lets used for height adjus­t­ment in dou­ble flo­or sys­tems. And becau­se the­se plate­lets were uni­que in terms of their mate­ri­al qua­li­ty (and inde­ed still are today), KLEMAFOL had found their core product.

Sin­ce 2010, KLEMAFOL has been part of GERA Che­mie GmbH, a com­pa­ny that manu­fac­tures spe­cial­ty buil­ding mate­ri­als. Both com­pa­nies are head­quar­te­red in Mül­heim an der Ruhr.

Hea­ded by pro­duc­tion mana­ger Mar­tin Reiss with his in-depth tech­ni­cal know­ledge and expe­ri­en­ced office mana­ger Kat­rin Proch­now, KLEMAFOL is ide­al­ly pla­ced for any future work and pro­jects in the pun­ched parts and adhe­si­ve sector.